Each level has 5 Pizza Planet tokens, which are each collected by completing different objectives, such as fighting a mini-boss, solving a puzzle, completing a timed challenge or winning a race against another character, or helping a character find five of a certain object which are hidden throughout a level. The main aim of the game is to collect Pizza Planet tokens which are located throughout stages. The player can pick up a laser power-up that gives Buzz a limited supply of powered up laser shots, as well as extra lives and health-replenishing batteries. Buzz is also able to extend his wings to perform a double jump, and can perform a foot stomp to activate switches. Buzz also has a spin attack, which can be charged up into a continuous spin. Buzz can attack enemies with a wrist laser, which can be charged up for additional power, and can also be aimed through a first-person viewpoint. The home console and computer version puts the player in control of Buzz Lightyear as he goes across fifteen levels (consisting of ten main levels and five boss levels) based on and inspired by locations from the film in order to rescue Woody. Gameplay Home console and computer version the Prospector) appears as the game's final boss along with two of his in-game henchmen.
After leaving Andy's house, the toys enter the neighborhood in which Andy lives, then proceed to Al's Toy Barn, the penthouse where Al lives and finally the airport terminal and tarmac where the movie ends. Potato Head venture out to find and rescue Woody. Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Rex, Slinky, and Mr. The game's plot is relative to the Toy Story 2 film, and begins at Andy's house as Al McWhiggin steals Woody from the family's yard sale.